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Как сохранить Outlook календарь как website?

{ In Outlook lasst sich ein Kalender als WebSeite speichern. Dazu benotig man
den "Web Publishing Wizard" download im Microsoft Download Center. }
{ In Outlook you can save the calendar as website. For this you need the
"Web Publishing Wizard" available at Microsoft Download Center. }
{ Original VB Script: By Sue Mosher, sue, with input from Ken Slovak and others
for more Outlook samples, see }
{ .... }
uses ComObj;
{ .... }
procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject);
  Outlook, NameSpace, TopFolder, CalendarFolder, WebPub: OleVariant;
  sTitle: string;
  Outlook := CreateOleObject('Outlook.Application');
  WebPub  := CreateOleObject('WebPub.cWebPub');
  NameSpace := Outlook.GetNamespace('MAPI');
  TopFolder := NameSpace.Folders[1];
  CalendarFolder := TopFolder.Folders('Kalender');
  WebPub.Create('Kalender von AHA', '', False, '01.05.2003', '01.06.2003',
    True, True, 'C:\Temp');
  WebPub.Create method parameters:
                    'sTitle         - Title displayed at the top of the page
                    'sGraphic       - Path to a graphic file to use for BACKGROUND
                    '                 attribute
                    'bUseGraphic    - True=Use 'sGraphic' param, False=Ignore
                    'dtStartDate    - Start of date range to publish
                    'dtEndDate      - End of date range to publish
                    'bDetails       - Publish appointment details
                    'bShowInBrowser - Display in default browser after publishing
                    'sSiteName      - Local path to store published calendar
  WebPub  := Unassigned;
  Outlook := Unassigned;

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